Regular Sunday service
Held on Sundays at 10:30 AM. Everybody is welcome. These services are held in English with the exception of the Sutra Chanting (conducted in sino-Japanese). The service includes chanting, a Dharma talk, singing (gathas) and recitations. The service takes about 45 minutes to 1 hour and there are usually refreshments after the service for community building and discussions.
Shotsuki Service
This is a monthly memorial service dedicated to the observance of friends and family who have passed away in that month of any year. The Shotsuki service is typically held on the first Sunday of every month, with a few exceptions each year. The exact date for the service can be confirmed by checking the Events Calendar in the Hikari newsletter.
Is one of the three main services of our Jodo Shinshu calendar (Hanamatsuri and Obon are the other two). Hoonko is a time to express our gratitude to Shinran Shonin, the founder, on the day of his death, January 16, 1263.
Hanamatsuri (Flower Festival)
This is a celebration of the birth of Siddhartha Gautama, who later became Shakyamuni Buddha, in Lumbini Garden. The pouring of sweet tea on the statue of baby Buddha (kambutsu) represents the gentle rain which fell on Lumbini’s Garden that day.
This is a time of reflection, remembering and honoring those who have passed before us. It is a time to appreciate the foundation they laid down for us and their continuing influence on our lives.
Bon Odori Festival is a ‘gathering of joy’ and one way of expressing gratitude to these loved ones who have passed away.
Hatsubon or “first Obon,” is important for families who have lost a loved one in the previous year. This observance would be the first Obon since their passing.
Other Important Services
Spring and Fall Higan
-The Equinox Celebration Service takes place in fall and spring when both night and day are equal. Higan means crossing over to the “other shore”. At this unique time of the year, the two shores of light and dark are so close to one another the passage back and forth is easier. The other shore referred to is Nirvana, or the Pure Land. Our forefathers thought this theme was so important, that they held this service twice annually. (March and September)
Bodhi Day – December 8
Celebrating the day that the historical Buddha (Shakymuni) experienced enlightenment. This is the day that Prince Gautama Siddhartha attained enlightenment to become the Buddha, the Awakened one. Therefore, this day signified the dawn’s on man’s universal emancipation from suffering and ignorance. “Bodhi” in Sanskrit means enlightenment.
Gotanye – May 21
This service is to commemorate the birth of the founder of Jodo Shinshu- Shinran Shonin- on May 21st,1173. This joyful day is typically observed by chanting Shoshinge.